The future of Marketing

Design Lead at Adobe

Create a visually stunning and strategically insightful dashboard that each member of a cross-disciplinary marketing team can use effectively.


The Marketing Cloud product brought Pinterest style mechanics to Google Analytics inspired insights, enabling teams to deploy better marketing.



As the design lead for at Adobe, I created the brand and product design experience while overseeing a small team of research analysts and creative technologists.

Ever notice how most analytics reports look like soviet-era space shuttle schematics? While art directors, SEO experts, and project managers might all participate equally in a digital campaign, they all have wildly different needs when it comes to surfacing and displaying actionable data insights. Adobe Marketing Cloud Adapts to each users role within their agency and enables them to recognize, share, and act upon the campaign KPI's that matter to them the most. I was awarded three invention patents in 2013 for several of the interface and design features that made the Adobe Marketing Cloud experience a truly revolutionary analytics product.

A marketing analytics app that real marketers can actually use.

Story Boards

It's been said that all software expands until it includes messaging. Perhaps the same is also now true of the 'Pin to Board' concept first introduced by Pinterest and leveraged for the Marketing Cloud as a metaphor for collecting, saving, and distributing subsets of data analtyics cards based on topic, media type, and team membership.

Card Overlay

While a high level view of data analytics cards was important for the Marketing Cloud product, without the ability to learn more about the anomaly and take action on the insight more noise would be created than useful signal. Taking this into account, the overlay state of each card offered commentary, annotations, and editing as a means to make the information provided more actionable.

Adobe Marketing Cloud is a modern toolset for executives, managers, and media creatives to collaborate in a real-time, bite-sized analytics dashboard experience.

Process Artifacts


Design Lead


Research, Strategy, Design




Launched, 2012

Project Index

Native Roots